Monday 25 February 2013

How Air Conditioner Works???

How Air Conditioner Works???

One set of coils the condensing unit is outside the building and the other set The evaporating unit which inside the building. The compressor compresses cool low-pressure gas into hot high- pressure gas. As the gas then moves through the condenser outside the building, it cools down into a liquid. This liquid flows through the pipping and passes through an expansion valve, causing it to evaporate into a cold- low pressure gas as the liquid changes to gas and evaporates, it absorbs the heat from the inside of the building. A fan blows air across metal fins that have been chilled as a result of the heat being absorbed. This causes the room to cool down. The gas then continues to the compressor to continue the cycle.

Monday 4 February 2013

Central Heaing System in New Zealand

CENTRAL HEATING System in   New Zealand

Central Heating System is a heating system that distributes heat evenly to each room in the house.

Warm Water Central Heating
Warm water central heating systems use water to distribute heat thoroughly and evenly around the home. Water transfers energy at a much higher rate than air, making these systems very efficient. They can be installed in new & established homes.

How does it workThe heat source (either a boiler or heat pump, often situated in the garage, laundry or outside) is where the water is heated and the heat distribution system is either a network of looped pipes under the floor of the house, or a system of pipes under the floor or in the walls which connect to wall-mounted radiators. The heat source pumps heated water through the heat distribution system, which then releases the heat gently into the home.

Heat Sources

Combusting Boilers: Boilers that burn a fuel to transfer heat energy into water.
Heat Pumps: Appliances that use a refrigeration cycle to transfer energy from one medium to another.
PLEASE NOTE: All heat sources have different running costs.

Heat Distribution

There are a number of ways to heat your home with central heating. The best option for your home depends upon your lifestyle, budget and the heat source that you are using.
Radiators: Usually require higher temperatures that can only currently be achieved with combusting boilers.
Under Floor Heating: Uses lower temperature water and can be heated by any heat source.

PLEASE NOTE: Solar is generally only considered for heating a domestic hot water cylinder. Heating your house with solar is possible however it requires extensive set-up costs.

Key Features

The boiler pumps heated water through the underfloor pipes or into the radiators, which then release their heat gently into the home.

Because there is no forced air movement, there are no draughts, hot and cold spots or noisy fans to contend with. The heat is passive and unobtrusive. It warms objects and fabric within the room.

The process is superbly efficient. No water is actually consumed, and once the water is up to temperature the boiler modulates or switches off – while heat continues to be emitted from the pipes or radiators.

In New Zealand, gas and diesel-fired boilers are most common but air to water heat pumps and wood pellet boilers are becoming more popular. Most models can also produce hot water for domestic tap use. Some will even heat a spa or swimming pool as well as supplying the central heating and domestic hot water.

All systems are fitted with a thermostat and time controller, allowing warmth to be delivered only when it is needed. In addition, individual radiators are fitted with thermostats, allowing precise control over the heating supplied to different parts of the house. The more sophisticated underfloor systems can also be programmed to control the duration and level of heat supplied to individual rooms or zones.

A central heating system utilizing underfloor pipes to deliver heat can only be installed in a new home or renovation, before the floor slab is laid. A system utilizing wall-mounted radiators can be installed in new or existing homes.


Car Manufacture Robots

    Car Manufacture Robots

  • Robots were initially retained to perform precise welding chores and other repetitive tasks that humans had long found boring, monotonous and injurious. By using robots to weld, handle dangerous objects and place items, auto manufacturers were able to ensure a consistent product with a minimum of worker injury. Currently, 50 percent of all robots in use today are used in automobile manufacture.

  • To make a robot work, a computer program is installed on its controller computer. This provides a set of precise instructions--based on geometry and carefully timed--that tells the robot where to place things, how to rotate them, where to weld and how to perform all of its other functions. Robots do not think for themselves, and must rely on humans to provide instructions. Robots also can work in more extreme environments on their own, or they can work alongside humans, assisting them in their day-to-day jobs--such as moving or rotating a car so humans can work on parts of it that would normally be difficult to reach.


  • Almost all manufacturing robots are single arms with computer controls, and do not look like a typical science-fiction "robot." Different robots will have different appendages, depending upon their job(s). For instance, a robot that places windshields will have a vacuum-powered suction grip to handle the smooth glass, while a welding robot will have an arc welder to fuse two pieces of metal together.

  • Robots have been a boon to the auto-manufacturing industry. They have significantly reduced worker injuries, including repetitive stress injuries and more significant mishaps that can do major harm. Additionally, the robots turn out a more consistent product at a significantly cheaper cost than can humans. In the 1970s, American auto manufacturers were maligned for the poor quality and bad engineering of their vehicles. Currently, robotic-assisted auto manufacturing allows a car to be made with much more precise welds, closer tolerances and more accurate engineering overall than could be achieved with human help. Finally, robots save on the cost of labor: There are no sick days, strikes, work slowdowns or other problems that can crop up with humans. Robots can, in fact, work around the clock with a minimum of human supervision.

  • As manufacturing becomes more automated, there will be less need for human workers in the auto industry. Currently, humans still work alongside robots for many reasons, most important of which is the ability of people to reach areas the larger robot arms cannot. As robotics technology improves, it is conceivable that the auto industry will become fully automated or employ human workers only sporadically. In the future, positions in the auto-manufacturing industry (at least in production facilities) will probably entail dealing with the robots themselves and not the cars or trucks; repair, programming and maintenance of robots will still need to be done by humans.