Monday, 28 October 2013

ICT Activity

ICT Activity
Using spreadsheets
Q1: What’s spreadsheet modeling?
Spreadsheet modeling is a computer program that allows you to create, edit and maintain full data in industries like financial services, customer services etc.
Q2: List three uses of spreadsheets.
1-   They can also be used in financial and cost accounting as many businesses use spreadsheets to calculate balance sheets, profit and loss accounts and cash books.
2- Spreadsheet can also be used in the calculation of figures using arithmetic signs or functions.
3- Spreadsheets can be used in mathematics to convert figures into Celsius or metric measurements.
Q3: what does a csv. File stand for?
CSV. Stands for: Comma separated value.

system analysis ( stages)

If you want to see my presentation click on this link:

System Analysis

click on this link to see my presentation: 

calculating ISBN number

Calculating ISBN number


How do I calculate an ISBN-13 check digit?

 Like the UPC check digit, an ISBN-13 check digit is calculated like an EAN-13 symbol using a mod 10 calculation. The last digit in an ISBN13 barcode is a check digit based on the previous 12 numbers. Our example barcode data is "978123456789".

1.      Add the digits in the even-numbered positions (first, third, fifth, etc.) together.


2.    Multiply that number by three.

        37x3 = 111

3.    Add the digits in the even-numbered positions (second, fourth, sixth, etc.) to the result.


4.    Find the resulting modulo 10 (the number that when added will make the next multiple of 10).

        111+32=143 (the next multiple of 10 is 150)

        143+7 = 150

7 is the check digit.

Designing Stage

Designing stage
Using the list of requirements, the systems analyst now has to design the new system.
In most cases the new system will be computer-based. The ease with which computers can communicate and process data means that are usually the best tool for the job.
Q) What Factors should a system analyst consider when designing an input and output (screen & forms)?
Ans) Designing the input screen has several factors which must be taken in account:
1-      The fashion of the screen is easy to use.
2-     It need to be attractive.
3-    Limit the possibility of inaccurate data to be entered.
4-     Users must not be distracted by overelaborate design
5-     Avoid the over use of colors as it leads to doing mistakes.
6-    Must contain guidelines .
7-     Easy to navigate from one screen to another.
Designing the output layout has several factors:
1-      Attractive
2-      Not being overelaborate.
3-    Instructions should be included for easier usage

System analysis

Systems life cycle
"System Analysis"


Systems Analysis is, as the name states, the analysis of systems!

The systems that we are talking about are the systems within organisations and businesses - systems of communication, financial systems, manufacturing systems, etc. - basically the systems that make the organisation or business work.

A person who analyses systems is known as a Systems Analyst.

Often systems analysts are employed by organisations of businesses to help them improve their systems and so become more efficient, and for businesses, more profitable.